Datasets » Open Archives

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A large part of the data (* 1) that Open Archives has harvested and converted into the A2A model is made available in data dumps. Gz-compressed exports are available in the following formats:

*1) Some organizations that make data available have done this on the condition that the data is not made available again as open data. This data is therefore not made available via data dumps and OAI-PMH endpoint.

*2) The URIs used in the linked data for person, event, relationep, relationpp and source resolves based on the Accept header as Turtle or NT, and for record also in HTML, JSON and GEDCOM. The ontology used is based on the A2A-XML model.


Metadata (OAI-PMH endpoint for harvesting)

The metadata of "records" displayed on Open Archives is available as a repository via an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) metadata feed. This feed is an implementation of an OAI-PMH Data Provider, based on OAI-PMH 2.0, including on-the-fly GZIP compression. The data is organized in sets, one for each archive organization (whose data may be distributed). The data consists of XML according to the A2A model . The OAI-PMH endpoint is described on Open Archives OAI-PMH data provider page.

Open Archives API

The Open Archives API provides methods so search, match and show records, provide statistics about archives, records, source types, comments, family names, first names and professions, and give information about historical weather measurements and census information.

The API is describe on the Open Archives API documentation page.

Found links

Open Archives matches the information of archival institutions with external sources such as Atria, Biographical Portal Netherlands,, Huygens ING, IISH, Jewish Historical Museum, Jewish Monument,, War Graves Foundation, Parliamentary Documentation Center, RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History and Wikipedia.

The matches are made available as links found. An archive organization, source type and / or external source can be selected. The links found can be downloaded in CSV and JSON format.

People (open search API)

The Open Archives search function unlocks 350 million historical personal references. This search function is based on the Open Search API . Search results are available in HTML and JSON.

Available datasets per archive organization

The genealogical metadata of records from the following 165 archive repositories are available as data sets for reuse:


Available via with Accept header application/n-triples, application/ld+json, application/rdf+xml, text/turtle or application/vnd.hdt (content-negotiation), otherwise redirected to this HTML page. Direct links to various RDF representations:

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