Transkripte durchsuchen » Amsterdam Stadtarchiv
Archivzugang 5075, Inventarnummer 10612, Blatt 82


Whereas John Madras late of the City of Cork
Clerk deceased did before his Death d
and publish his last will and Testas
in writing and thereby and by afodicis
meede thereto Appointed Edward Townesen
of white Hall in the County of Corke Eghier
John Bousquet of Amsterdam
Wetter Balduin Esquire mhe Testale
Brothers in Law Executors as by the said
willand Codicil may Appear Now knou
all men by these presents that Ithisac
John Bousquet, one of the Erecutors
appointed for Certain Causes et
moving do Expressly Renoune
diselaim the Execution of the said Last
will and Testeement of the said Johs
Madras and the Execution and alt
stration of all and singalar thel
and Chattels, Rignts and Credits of the
said John Madras under dhe
the Codicils made thereto and I do
hereby Constitute and Appoint Henr
repton Gentleman Ore of the Procte
the said Prerogative Court of the kingde
of Ireland my Lawfull Proctor fo
and in my name to Appear Oefore the Judge
of the said Court or hes surrogate then ar
there for me and in my name to renoun
as well the Execution of the said Laot will as


Amsterdam Stadtarchiv, Archivnummer 5075, Archief van de Notarissen ter Standplaats Amsterdam, 1578-1915, Inventar nummer 10612, Daniel van Den Brink, Minuutacten, 1774 januari,februari

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