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accès aux archives 5075, numéro d'inventaire 10514, page 241


Know all men by these presents that on
this the 13th. day of May Ao. dni. 1760. before
me Daniel van den Brink, Notary publik
sworne and Admitted by the Court of Holland
residing in Amsterdam and inthepre
sence of the witnesses here afternamen
personally appeared Messrs Hendrik Willem
Cramer and Jann Bousquet, of this Citij Gentlemen
who bid declare to be trece
That Alida Maria Peltzer of this City
spenster departed thes life on the sevent
day of april last past without she had
made ani last will or testament
and that she is burreed in the Wallor
on thetwelfth of the sd. minth of april
Chureh withen thes City and that she
was very well known cinto them
and because et is the truth they offer
to Confirmit with oath.
Done and passed in the said Amsterdam
in the presence of Hendrik Wythoff
and Joannes van den Brink witnesses
Hendk. Willem Cramer
JH Witsu
Jean Bonsquet
D: Vanden Brink
D Vanden Brink


Amsterdam City Archives, numéro d'archive 5075, Archief van de Notarissen ter Standplaats Amsterdam, 1578-1915, numéro d'inventaire 10514, Daniel van Den Brink, Minuutacten, 1760 mei

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