Search results

"Jacob Doopinschrijving "Jacob1630Groede
"Jacob IJsbrandszoon1607Haarlem
#### Stichting "Jacob Teijssen"1881Breda
#### Stichting "Jacob Teijssen"1881Breda
#### Wed. Jacob BreimenDoniawerstal
#### Wed. Jacob BreimerDoniawerstal
#### Wed. Jacob J. BreemerDoniawerstal
#### Wed. Jacob J. BreimanDoniawerstal
#### Wed. Jacob J. BreimanDoniawerstal
#### Wed. Jacob J. BreimerDoniawerstal

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Country source
Surinam 14.178
Netherlands 3.399.852
France 28.312
Belgium 23.862

Source type

Registratie 745.741
Death 597.377
Doop 423.908
Geboorte 421.933
Wedding 406.171

Amsterdam 508.526
Rotterdam 221.064
Leiden 88.236
Hoorn 69.822
Utrecht 54.234

Registered 973.426
Father 796.839
Deceased 239.393
Child 229.206
Groom 221.746


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