Number of individual entries

Filtered by:   1700


The 298,346 individual entries are from documents of the following 46 source types:

   Church records baptisms
   Church records marriages
   Notarial records
   Church records burials
   Register of notices of marriage
   Member register
   DTB Lidmaten
   Dead Book
   Registrations before 1811
   Judicial register
   Rechtelijke archieven
   Confession books
   Wedding announcement
   Impost on burial
   Registration Register
   Deeds of sale
   Judicial archives
   Patient registry
   Orphan Chamber Register
   Civil registration marriages
   Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registers (DTB)
   Civiele procesdossiers
   Tax register
   Poorter books
   Civil books
   Impost to marry
   Population register
   Civil registration deaths
   Crew ship
   Ordinance archive
   Heffing collaterale successie
   Estate papers
   Transport deeds
   Death registration

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