- Jan Zee, born on February 12, 1837 in Twisk
- Trijntje Bakker, born on October 31, 1839 in Abbekerk
- Neeltje Zee, born on January 27, 1861 in Abbekerk
- Aagje Zee, born on July 3, 1862 in Abbekerk
- Roelof Bruin, born on February 24, 1836 in Medemblik
- Sijtje Blokdijk, born on November 2, 1835 in Hoogwoud
- Klaas Bruin, born on March 10, 1865 in Abbekerk
- Grietje Bruin, born on March 25, 1866 in Abbekerk
- Aafje Bruin, born on March 15, 1867 in Abbekerk
- Jan Bruin, born on September 17, 1868 in Abbekerk
- Aafje Bruin, born on December 2, 1869 in Abbekerk
- Krisje Bruin, born on December 21, 1876 in Abbekerk
- Maartje Bruin, born on June 30, 1878 in Abbekerk
Source citation
Westfries Archief in Hoorn (Netherlands), Population register
Bevolkingsregisters van de gemeente Abbekerk, Abbekerk, archive 1701-01, inventory number 2, 1862-1879, Bevolkingsregister Abbekerk 2, 1862-1879.
This data was last updated on December 18, 2020 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on January 7, 2021. Online code wfa1. Provenance information: A2Acollection via, originele record identifier is 2005643940.
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