Blader door transcripties » Stadsarchief Amsterdam
archieftoegang 5075, inventarisnummer 10518, pagina 896


Know all men by these presents that I
Gerard Bouricius of Amsterdam
Executor of the last will and Testament
of Clara Maria van Riet ofherwise
Grotherwise Bouricius
van Reed ^ late wedow deceused have
Made Constitute and Appoint Mr.
of London Merchand
Thimotij Nucella and Mrs. Mary Bolwer
of London Spenster, Jointly or separalel
my tnue and Lawfull Attorneys for me
in my name and on my behalf as Exe¬
cutor afvresaid to sell assign and tan
ber cinto any person or persons who
soever in one or more sums one
thousand five hundred pounds being
all the share or stock standing in
the name and belonging to the Estate
of the said Clara Maria van Riet
otherwise van Reed otherwise Bouri
cius deceased of and in the Capital
or old Joint stock of South sea Annun
ties and to receive the Consideration
moneys thereof, and in my said
name to give full Acquittancesand
discharges for the same and also
to receive and give receipts for all


Stadsarchief Amsterdam, archieftoegang 5075, Archief van de Notarissen ter Standplaats Amsterdam, 1578-1915, inventarisnummer 10518, Daniel van Den Brink, Minuutacten, 1760 september,oktober

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