Blader door transcripties » Stadsarchief Amsterdam
archieftoegang 5075, inventarisnummer 10518, pagina 755


Know all men by these presents that ook
this the 16th. day of October Ao. dmi. 1760.
beforeme daniel van den Brink, Notary
publik, Sworne and Admitted by the Court
of Holland, residing in Amsterdam and
in the presence of the witnesses hereafter
named, personnally appeared Mr. Gerard
Ter Borch for his Company being Ter
Borch and Dusart of thes City Merchants
and did declare to be trice
That the ten Packs Marchandizes marked
39 No. and 25 which
by his said Company Ter Borch and dusart
are loaden in the ship Called de vigilantie
Capn. Pieter duyff bound from this City for
Hull ane theself same packs which by
Mr. John Horner of Hull on or about the
the 13th. december 1758 at Hull afores. were
loaden in the ship de Anna Capn. Jacobus
Groeneweegen and at Rotterdam delivred to
Willem Gerard Sandt and by him forwar
ded to his the said deponents Company
Ter Borch and dusart
Further he the said deponent declares
that all the said paks by his said
Compary were houden in the said ship
de Vegelantie in the self same Condition
as they have received the same without


Stadsarchief Amsterdam, archieftoegang 5075, Archief van de Notarissen ter Standplaats Amsterdam, 1578-1915, inventarisnummer 10518, Daniel van Den Brink, Minuutacten, 1760 september,oktober

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