Blader door transcripties » Stadsarchief Amsterdam
archieftoegang 5075, inventarisnummer 10518, pagina 571


fo dni
On thisthe 6m. day of October
at the request of Messrs. Abraham and Daniel Oyens
of Amsterdam Merchants I daniel van den Brink
Notary publick duely sworne and admitted by the
Court of Holland resideing in the said Amsterdam
exhibited the originall bill of exchange where of
Coppy on the otherside is writtento Mr. John
Nodshon of this said City likewise
and de manding Acceptance there of he answered
that the shall not accept the said oild
for reasons written to the drawer
but did desire the said bill when
fallen due might be Exhibited to
Mr. Wm. Nodshon in London
Whereupon Ithe said notarij at the request af ors¬
heve protested against the drawer of the said bill
and all others Concerned forexchange and recharge
and all Costs damaiges and Interests suffered and to
besuffered forwant of acceptance of the said bile
of Exchange Thus done and protested in the said
Amsterdam in the presence of Hendrik Wytho¬
and Joannes van den Brink witnesses
D Vanden Brink
H Wissne
D: Vanden Brink


Stadsarchief Amsterdam, archieftoegang 5075, Archief van de Notarissen ter Standplaats Amsterdam, 1578-1915, inventarisnummer 10518, Daniel van Den Brink, Minuutacten, 1760 september,oktober

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