Blader door transcripties » Stadsarchief Amsterdam
archieftoegang 5075, inventarisnummer 10518, pagina 415


Know all men bij these presents that I Antonis
Slicher One of the Magistrates and Councellors of the
Citij of Haarlem, oo make Constitute and appoint Mess¬
Henry, Peter and Richard Muilman of London
Merchants jointlij or separatelij mij true and lawfull
Attorneys for me in my name and on my behalf to Con¬
tract for accept andreceive all suchintrestor share inthe
Capitalor tointslock of Fourpercent Annuities Erected
by anact of pailiament of the thertij therd Year of the
reign of king George the second intitledan act for
granting to his Majestij severalduties upon Malt and
forraising the sum of Eight Millions by Annuities and
a lotterij to be Chargedon the said duties &ca Transfer
rable at the bank of England, which might or shallherea¬
ter betransferred to me and to receive and give receipts
for allduidents now due and that hereafter shallgrou
due and payable on anij my said Annutties for the time
being. Ratifijing and Confirming all that mij said Attor
neys or either of them shall do therein bij virtue hereof
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett mij hand and
seal in Amsterdam the 26th. day of september Ao. Dni. 1760
signed and sealedin
Nas uchen
the presence of us
D: Vanden Brink
A. Fredk. Adamis
D Vanden Brink


Stadsarchief Amsterdam, archieftoegang 5075, Archief van de Notarissen ter Standplaats Amsterdam, 1578-1915, inventarisnummer 10518, Daniel van Den Brink, Minuutacten, 1760 september,oktober

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