Other registrants
- Marinus Johanna Greep, born in 1859
- Adriana Maria Greep, born in 1858
- Cornelis Jacobus Greep, born in 1855
- Cornelis Schot, born in 1855
- Wilhelmina Schot, born in 1854
- Allegonda Helena Wilhelmina Timmermans, born in 1852
- Jan Ribbe, born in 1850
- Johannes Franciscus Eekelaar, born in 1827
- Johanna Verhage, born in 1826
- Cornelia Anna van Hiele, born in 1825
- Jacoba van Lindonk, born in 1825
- Willem Timmermans, born in 1823
- Cornelis Jan Schot, born in 1822
- Paulina Eekelaar, born in 1821
- Johannis Philippus Ribbe, born in 1821
- Jannetje Laban, born in 1820
Source citation
Municipal Archive Tholen in Tholen (Netherlands), Population register
Bron: boek, Part: 1883, Period: 1850-1861, Tholen, archive GAT_002, inventory number 1883, bevolkingsregister wijk C en D, op huisnummer, 1850-1861, folio 3
This data was last updated on August 13, 2013 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014. Online code thl1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20231214_3077_00003077.xml van THL.
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