Other registrants
- Petronella Helena Tilburgh, born in 1873
- Johannes Cornelis Tilburgh, born in 1871
- Petrus Hypolytis Adam van Tilburgh, born in 1870
- Anthonie Cornelis van Tilburgh, born in 1867
- Adam van Tilburgh, born in 1866
- Adam van Tilburgh, born in 1865
- Cornelis den Engelsman, born in 1854
- Frans Klaassen, born in 1849
- Marinus van Tilburgh, born in 1837
- Maria Anthonetta Aertsen, born in 1835
- Adriaan Verbeek, born in 1831
- Adam van Tilburg, born in 1798
- Adam Ooms, born in 1754
- Franciscus Claeijssens
- Pieter de Klerk
- Cornelis Nefs
Source citation
Municipal Archive Tholen in Tholen (Netherlands), Population register
Bron: boek, Part: 1898, Period: 1862-1875, Tholen, archive GAT_002, inventory number 1898, bevolkingsregister alfabetisch op achternaam, S-Z, 1862-1875, folio 123
This data was last updated on November 29, 2012 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014. Online code thl1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20231214_2312_00002312.xml van THL.
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