Father of groomMother of groom |
GroomLeendert Vuijk, born in Rotterdam, 28 years old BrideHelena Nagel, born in Rotterdam, 30 years old |
Father of brideMother of bride |
Rotterdam City Archives in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Civil registration marriages
Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam, huwelijksakten, Rotterdam, archive 999-06, inventory number 1856A, 26-03-1856, Nadere toegang op het huwelijks- en echtscheidingsregister van de gemeente Rotterdam, record number 1856.137, folio a71
Permalink https://hdl.handle.net/21.12133/E045B5DEE1A548099BAA05830AE04A95
This data was last updated on March 15, 2023 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on August 4, 2015.
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