Other registrants
- Dirk Uitermark, born in 1848
- Willempje Vons, born in 1847
- Johannes Uitermark, born in 1845
- Johanna de Jong, born in 1843
- Willem Uitermark, born in 1843
- Arie de Jong, born in 1837
- Catharina Vergouw, born in 1834
- Martijntje Thuil, born in 1820
- Theodora Boekhorst, born in 1818
- Rokes Vons, born in 1814
- Pieter Visser, born in 1812
- Dirk Uitermark, born in 1808
- Antonia van der Mispel, born in 1808
- Cornelis de Jong, born in 1806
- Renier Vergouw, born in 1800
- Maria de Jong, born in 1795
Source citation
Central Holland regional archive in Midden-Holland (Netherlands), Population register
Archief van de gemeente Broek c.a., 1817-1870, Part: 360, Period: 1841-1848, Broek c.a., archive 0642, inventory number 360, Bevolkingsregister, 1840-1850. Voorloper van het bevolkingsregister van de gemeente Broek als voo..., folio 266
This data was last updated on March 11, 2021 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on May 28, 2021. Online code smh1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20240906_1203_00001203.xml van SMH.
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