Other registrants
- Dorothé Wilhelmina Frederica Olifiers, born in 1866
- Josephine Antoinette Olifiers, born in 1864
- Josephus Johannes Antonius van den Broek, born in 1864
- Christiaan Hendricus Arnoldus Olifiers, born in 1861
- Wilhelmina Hendrika Olifiers, born in 1860
- Anna Maria Dorothea Bergmans, born in 1858
- Maria Jeannette Olifiers, born in 1858
- Johannes Ignatius Olifiers, born in 1857
- Agnes Maria van de Pavoordt, born in 1856
- Johanna Adriana Josephina Beeringh, born in 1850
- Josephus Cornelis Vinken, born in 1838
- Dorothea van den Broek, born in 1823
- Nicolaas Olifiers, born in 1822
Source citation
Central Holland regional archive in Midden-Holland (Netherlands), Population register
Archief van de gemeente Gouda, 1816-1920, Part: 1421, Period: 1861-1880, Gouda, archive 0056, inventory number 1421, Bevolkingsregister 1860-1880 Deel 1 (wijk A), folio 62
This data was last updated on March 13, 2021 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on May 28, 2021. Online code smh1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20240906_13591_00013591.xml van SMH.
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