- Brunetta Johanna Zee, born on September 16, 1854 in Amsterdam, Opmerking: ongehuwd, Nederlands-Hervormd
Buurtcode: GG
Buurtnummer: 129
Locatie in bron: Lijnbaansgracht
Buurtverwijzing: Buurt GG, supplement 3
Adres: Amsterdam Lijnbaansgracht
Source citation
Amsterdam City Archives in Amsterdam, Population register 1851-1853
Part: 755, Period: 1851-1863, Amsterdam, archive 5000, inventory number 755, September 16, 1854, Bevolkingsregister 1851-1853, folio pagina 2487
This data was last updated on July 24, 2020 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on May 13, 2020. Online code saa1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20230318_6068_00006068.xml van SAA.
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