Other registrants
- Hantsen Kok, born in 1916
- Theodora Johanna Lamers, born in 1895
- Aloysia Adriana Maria Jansen, born in 1891
- Wiepke Kok, born in 1891
- Grietje Lubbersen, born in 1891
- Michiel Schraven, born in 1891
- Henricus Aloysius Josephus Jansen, born in 1889
- Anna Theodulpha Joanna Jansen, born in 1887
- Felix Cornelis Josephus Jansen, born in 1885
- Petronella Maria Jansen, born in 1883
- Adriana Maria Cornelia Jansen, born in 1881
- Cornelis Jansen, born in 1851
- Johanna Zoontjes, born in 1851
Source citation
Regional Archive Tilburg in Tilburg (Netherlands), Population register
Bevolkingsregister Tilburg, Bron: boek, Part: 1589, Period: 1910-1920, Tilburg, archive 0918, inventory number 1589, Inv. nr. 1589 1910-1920 Deel 44 Stevenzandsestraat - Tongerlose Hoefstraat, folio 151
This data was last updated on July 27, 2011 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on August 30, 2014. Online code rat1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20231213_3241_00003241.xml van RAT.
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