Father of groomMother of groomAaltje Zee, veehoudster by profession |
GroomPieter Bakker, born in Midwoud, 25 years old, luitenant artillerie by profession BrideAaltje Zee, born in Twisk, 24 years old |
Father of brideJan Zee, veehouder by profession Mother of bride |
North Holland Archives in Haarlem (Netherlands), Civil registration marriages
burgerlijke stand van de gemeente Midwoud, Archiefdeel van (dubbele) registers van de, Midwoud, archive 358.78, inventory number 21897, 17-09-1897, Huwelijksakten van de gemeente Midwoud, 1897, record number 13
Permalink https://hdl.handle.net/21.12102/EF809DEEA252406BAA370F9A9B170980
This data was last updated on May 15, 2022 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on December 31, 2016.
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