Marriage on in Twisk (Netherlands)

Father of groom

Jan Kistemaker

Mother of groom

Stijntje Gons


Klaas Kistemaker, born in Sijbekarspel, 23 years old, bakkersknecht by profession


Aagje Zee, born in Twisk, 17 years old

Father of bride

Jan Zee, bakker by profession

Mother of bride

Trijntje Bakker

Source citation

North Holland Archives in Haarlem (Netherlands), Civil registration marriages
burgerlijke stand van de gemeente Twisk, Archiefdeel van (dubbele) registers van de, Twisk, archive 358.122, inventory number 21880, 21-04-1880, Huwelijksakten van de gemeente Twisk, 1880, record number 3

This data was last updated on May 18, 2022 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on December 31, 2016.

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