Burial (Voor het gerecht) on in Jutphaas (Netherlands)


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Source citation

The Utrecht Archives in Utrecht (Netherlands), Church records burials
Dorpsgerechten, Jutphaas, archive 49, inventory number 963, 28-11-1798, Jutphaas CIV Begravent, 1727-1811, folio 90

This data was last updated on May 17, 2023 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on June 8, 2016.

Internet address

  • https://hetutrechtsarchief.nl/collectie/BBAB8438C5BD41DAB3AF0F0A6B373F1C
  • https://www.openarchieven.nl/hua:BBAB8438-C5BD-41DA-B3AF-0F0A6B373F1C


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