Father of groomAntonius Daniel Luscuere, 53 years old, arbeider by profession Mother of groomBernardina Maria van Gent, 49 years old, no profession |
GroomTheodorus Franciscus Antonius Luscuere, born in 's-Gravenhage, 25 years old, huisschilder by profession BrideHendrika Pfeiffer, born in 's-Gravenhage, 21 years old, no profession |
Father of brideWilhelmus Johannes Pfeiffer, 53 years old, arbeider by profession Mother of brideAdriana Francisca Carlier, 62 years old, no profession |
Municipal archive The Hague, Civil registration marriages
Ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand van de gemeente 's-Gravenhage, 's-Gravenhage, archive 0335-01, inventory number 1168, 27-03-1940, Nadere toegang op het huwelijksregister van de gemeente 's-Gravenhage, record number B267
Permalink https://hdl.handle.net/21.12124/42E7118A87E44A27980A6EDC467CF8D0
This data was last updated on August 28, 2024 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on November 16, 2023.
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