- Ernestus Nicolaas Ahuis, born on August 28, 1889 in Schiedam
- Geertruida Louisa Hendrika Bosman, born on October 20, 1879 in 's-Gravenhage
- Geertruida Louisa Francisca Broekers, born on December 19, 1913 in 's-Gravenhage
- Herman Broekers, born on March 24, 1918 in 's-Gravenhage
- Arie Broekers, born on March 24, 1918 in 's-Gravenhage
- Ernestus Nicolaas Ahuis, born on May 3, 1922 in 's-Gravenhage
Source citation
Municipal archive The Hague in Den Haag (Netherlands), Population register
Bevolkingsregister gemeente Den Haag, 's-Gravenhage, archive 0354-01, inventory number 13, 1913, Haags Bevolkingsregister (gezinskaarten)
This data was last updated on August 5, 2022 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 20, 2021. Online code hga1. Provenance information: A2Acollection via, originele record identifier is 2810404868.
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