Registration (in the year 1942-1996)


Extra information

Volledige naamPiet Herman Brouwer (ビット ヘルマン ブラーオラー」)
NationaliteitNetherlands (蘭)
Rang(自動車隊 ニト兵(二等兵); )
StamboeknummerNo. 19813
Plaats gevangename爪哇; Java
Datum gevangename17/03/08; 1942/03/08
Beroep(機関士; Engineer)
Opmerkingenpen 45756
Kamp 1爪哇 17/08/15[03/08]; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15[03/08]
Japans 1爪 I (ジャワ俘虜収容所第1分所) 11471; No.1 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 11471
Japans 2本 (ジャワ俘虜収容所本所) 11535[6395]; Main Camp of Java POW Camp11535[6395]
Andere informatieDied on November 8 1944 (JA.234 P.2293); Killed (accidentally) in an air raid at 12:25 on November 8, 1944 (buried at sea); was hit by strafing of a P-38, and instantly killed; Place of death: Buton Strait, S4° 38' 4", E122° 44' 5", aboard a motorized sailing boat of the Navy; (昭和19年11月8日死亡(JA.234 P.2293); 昭和19年11月8日12時25分爆死(不慮死)(水); P-38の機銃掃射に依り受傷即死す; 死亡場所: ブートン海峡 S4° 38' 4", E122° 44' 5" 海軍機帆船上;)
Andere informatie19.11.8 F; November 8, 1944 F

Source citation

National Archives, PoW cards
Min. van Binnenl. Zaken: Stamboekgegevens KNIL-militairen met Japanse Interneringskaarten 1942-1996, Den Haag, archive, inventory number 422

This data was last updated on October 25, 2018 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014.

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