Registration (from the period 1942-1996)


Extra information

Volledige naamJohannes Cornelis van Wierst (ヨハネス コルネルス ファン ヴィルスト)
NationaliteitNetherlands (蘭)
Rang(陸軍 軍曹)
Plaats gevangename爪哇; Java
Datum gevangename17/03/08; 1942/03/08
Kamp 1爪哇17/08/15; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15
Kamp 2馬来; Malay POW Camp
Japans 13532[3531]
Japans 2馬I (マレイ俘虜収容所第1分所)5239; No.1 Branch Camp of Malay POW Camp 5239
Andere informatieDeparted for Malay POW Camp on 14 September 1943; Died on 3 October 1944.(JA115. P.36); Died of dysentery at 6:50 on 3 October 1944. Burial; Fell ill on 19 September 1944; Place of death: Padang Patient Receiving Station of medical unit of No.4 Division, West coast province, Sumatra; Disposal of remains: Burial. Buried in Dutch cemetery at Padang (JA263)(JA187); (昭和18年9月14日馬来俘虜収容所ヘ出発; 昭和19年10月3日死亡 (JA115. P.36); 昭19/10/3 赤痢ニテ死亡ス(土)6時50分; 昭和19年9月19日発病; 死亡場所:スマトラ西海岸州パダン第4師団衛生隊パダン患者療養所; 死体処理:土葬 パダン蘭人墓地ニ埋葬(JA263)(JA187); )

Source citation

National Archives, PoW cards
Min. van Binnenl. Zaken: Stamboekgegevens KNIL-militairen met Japanse Interneringskaarten 1942-1996, Den Haag, archive, inventory number 458

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This data was last updated on October 25, 2018 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014.

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