Registration (in the year 1942-1996)


Extra information

Volledige naamS J Esser
NationaliteitDutch (n/a)
Kamp 1爪哇; Java Pow Camp
Japans 1マカッサル分遣所; Makassar Detached Camp
Andere informatieDied at 0500 on14 April 1944 (JA.282 P.41); bacillary dysentery; [Death certificate was not available]; (Date of fallen ill): date unknown Place of death: Makassar City, Celebes Island; Disposal of body: Burial. Buried in Makassar Common Graves (JA.269); (昭和19年4月14日 死亡 (JA.282 P.41) 5時00分; 細菌性赤痢; [死亡診断書なし] ; 昭和 年 月 日 発病 不明; 死亡場所 セレベス島マカッサル市; 屍体処理 土葬 マカッサル市共同墓地に埋葬 (JA.269); )

Source citation

National Archives, PoW cards
Min. van Binnenl. Zaken: Stamboekgegevens KNIL-militairen met Japanse Interneringskaarten 1942-1996, Den Haag, archive, inventory number 427

This data was last updated on October 25, 2018 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014.

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