Registration (in the year 1942-1996)


Extra information

Volledige naamFrans Josef Ferouge (フランス・ヨセフ フェアロシ)
NationaliteitNetherlands (蘭)
Rang(予備役 陸軍 一等兵)
Plaats gevangenameチヤンチュール
Datum gevangename17/03/08; 1942/03/08
Opmerkingenpers 11233
Kamp 1爪哇 17/08/15[06/23]; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15[06/23]
Japans 1爪I (ジャワ俘虜収容所第1分所) 21015; No.1 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 21015
Japans 2本 (ジャワ俘虜収容所本所) 24479; Main Camp of Java POW Camp 24479
Andere informatiethe transport ship was torpedoed by enemy submarine and he went missing 18:30- 18:45 on 18 September 1944; Location of sinking : 2°53'S 101°11'E Off coast Sumatra (Junyo-Maru); KA19 P.40- 1117; Junyo-Maru; (昭和19年9月18日 スマトラ東岸沖にて船舶輸送中敵潜水艦の雷撃を受け行方不明 18時30分-18時45分; 遭難位置: S2°53' E101°11' スマトラ沿岸; (順陽丸) KA19 P,40-1117; Junyo-Maru;)

Source citation

National Archives, PoW cards
Min. van Binnenl. Zaken: Stamboekgegevens KNIL-militairen met Japanse Interneringskaarten 1942-1996, Den Haag, archive, inventory number 428

This data was last updated on October 25, 2018 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014.

Internet address



On Thursday, 11 February A.Ferrouge-Gaddis (formerly Ferouge) daughter of Karel. wrote

Thankful for the site. I now have my uncle's date of death. He and my father Karel Ferdinand Ferouge (matroos) were captured on their way to Australia is what the family sorry is. My uncle was prisoner on one ship and my father on another. We knew Uncle perished on this ship by friendly fire but no other details. My father was a Japanese prisoner of war.Shipyard in or near Nagasaki (?)and was at camp Fuko??A or B??until the Americans freed the survivors after the bomb.



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