Volledige naam | Johannes Hendrik Wens (ヨハネス・ヘンドリック ヴェンズ) |
Nationaliteit | Netherlands (蘭) |
Rang | (軍曹 (陸軍)) |
Stamboeknummer | 202504 |
Plaats gevangename | スマトラ西海岸 パダン; West coast of Sumatra, Padang |
Datum gevangename | 17/03/17; 1942/03/17 |
Beroep | (会社員; Company employee ) |
Opmerkingen | p- |
Kamp 1 | 馬来 17/08/21; Malay POW Camp 1942/08/21 |
Japans 1 | 馬I (マレイ俘虜収容所第1分所) 544; No.1 Branch Camp of Malay POW Camp 544 |
Andere informatie | The transport ship was wrecked off and he went missing off east coast of Sumatra on 26 June 1944 KA21; 13:55 Harugiku-Maru; Harugiku-Maru; Location of wreck: 3°15'N 99°47'E. 144°, 6 miles off South Brothers Island; (昭和19年6月26日 13時55分 スマトラ東岸沖にて船舶遭難により行方不明 KA21; 13時55分 治菊丸; Harugiku-Maru; 遭難位置 N3°15' E99°47' サウスブラザース島144度6哩; ) |
National Archives, PoW cards
Min. van Binnenl. Zaken: Stamboekgegevens KNIL-militairen met Japanse Interneringskaarten 1942-1996, Den Haag, archive, inventory number 457
A research guide is available for this source
This data was last updated on October 25, 2018 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014.
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