- Johanna Elisabeth Nachtegeller, born on July 14, 1876 in Leiden, residing in Leiden, Religie: Rooms Katholiek
Plaats vertrek: Leiden, Posthoornhof 1
Plaats aankomst: Leiden, Duizenddraadsteeg 10
Datum aankomst: 11-06-1902
Other registrants
- Hendrik Sprong, born in 1895
- Maria Swaanenburg, born in 1895
- Wilhelmina Maria Groenendijk, born in 1894
- Christina Wilhelmina Frederica Adriana de de Cler, born in 1886
- Abraham de Cler, born in 1883
- Alida Christina de Cler, born in 1881
- Alida Christina de Cler, born in 1881
- Hendrikus Jacobus Ruitenbeek, born in 1872
- Clement Swaanenburg, born in 1866
- Catharina Kop, born in 1864
- Jozeph de Cler, born in 1845
- Johannes Huber, born in 1845
- Johannes Huber, born in 1845
- Dorothea van Kruisen, born in 1843
- Johanna Vrijbloed, born in 1841
Straat: Hekkensteeg
Huisnummer: 10
Wijk: 6
Inventarisnummer 1352 van archiefnummer 0516 in Archieven
Source citation
Heritage Leiden and environs in Leiden (Netherlands), Population register
Archief van het algemeen en dagelijks bestuur, (1545) 1816-1929 (1963); Bevolkingsbo..., Leiden, archive 0516, inventory number 1352, 50. supplement III A. (1 - 340), record number 2, folio 217
This data was last updated on April 28, 2022 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014. Online code elo1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20231209_19839_00019839.xml van ELO.
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