- Klaas Hollebeek, born on February 18, 1866 in Leiden, residing in Leiden, meubelmaker O by profession, Religie: Nederlands Hervormd
Plaats vertrek: Leiden, Roekeestraat 50
Plaats aankomst: Leiden, Bloemistenlaan 17
Datum aankomst: 02-01-1904
Other registrants
- Elisabeth Christina Geertruida Bakker, born in 1902
- Jacobus Hollebeek, born in 1902
- Antonius Bakker, born in 1901
- Arie Hollebeek, born in 1900
- Willem Frederik Moock, born in 1900
- Jacoba Johanna Bakker, born in 1899
- Agatha Bakker, born in 1898
- Antoon Hollebeek, born in 1898
- Johannes Antonius Moock, born in 1897
- Petrus Johannes Bakker, born in 1896
- Isaac Hollebeek, born in 1896
- Gerardus Petrus Bakker, born in 1894
- Grada Moock, born in 1894
- Apolonia Maria Bakker, born in 1893
- Nicolaas Hollebeek, born in 1893
- Keetje Hubertina Moock, born in 1892
- Petronella Johanna Bakker, born in 1891
- Johannes Hollebeek, born in 1891
- Johannes Kalkhoven, born in 1890
- Mathilda Johanna Moock, born in 1890
- Maria Margaretha Hollebeek, born in 1889
- Margaretha Kiel, born in 1889
- Antoinette Bakker, born in 1888
- Johannes Wolterus Moock, born in 1886
- Jacobus Bakker, born in 1885
- Maria Wilhelmina Lock, born in 1885
- Johanna Elisabeth Moock, born in 1884
- Maria Jacoba Bakker, born in 1882
- Theodor Casper Hubert Moock, born in 1880
- Lambertus Godefridus Weerdenburg, born in 1868
- Maria Catharina Imans, born in 1866
- Apolonia Weerdenburg, born in 1859
- Casper Hubert Theodor Moock, born in 1857
- Petrus Johannes Bakker, born in 1856
- Anna Maria Johanna Heintzbergen, born in 1856
vervolg Supp. XI
Straat: Bakkersteeg
Huisnummer: 9 a
Wijk: 1
Inventarisnummer 1352 van archiefnummer 0516 in Archieven
Source citation
Heritage Leiden and environs in Leiden (Netherlands), Population register
Archief van het algemeen en dagelijks bestuur, (1545) 1816-1929 (1963); Bevolkingsbo..., Leiden, archive 0516, inventory number 1352, 50. supplement III A. (1 - 340), record number 1, folio 9
This data was last updated on October 15, 2021 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014. Online code elo1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20231209_13563_00013563.xml van ELO.
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