Burial on in Leiden (Netherlands)


Source citation

Heritage Leiden and environs in Leiden (Netherlands), Church records burials
Part: 1495, Period: 1723-1808, Leiderdorp, archive 0800, inventory number 1495, April 25, 1800, Impost trouwen en Begraven 1723 - 1808.

This data was last updated on February 10, 2016 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on February 29, 2016.

Internet address

  • https://www.erfgoedleiden.nl/collecties/personen/zoek-op-personen/deeds/2715af37-3f86-32d6-7b1e-c1ef2e2d8370
  • https://www.openarchieven.nl/elo:2715af37-3f86-32d6-7b1e-c1ef2e2d8370


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