- Matthijs Brander, born on February 11, 1885 in Hoogkarspel, student by profession, Religie: Nederlands Hervormd
Datum aankomst: 07-05-1914
Other registrants
- Maria Margaretha Laman, born in 1912
- Pierre Albert Cornet, born in 1906
- Catharina Sara Cornet, born in 1903
- Elisabeth Laman, born in 1903
- Reijer Koning, born in 1901
- Willem Frederik Laman, born in 1900
- Maria Elisabeth Cornet, born in 1899
- Mathijs Antonie Petrus Linssen, born in 1899
- Theodorus Barnard, born in 1896
- Cornelis de Ruiter, born in 1895
- Gerrit Jan de Vogel, born in 1895
- Pieter Lodewijk Hölscher, born in 1895
- George Petrus Elisa Weijer, born in 1895
- Willem Gerard Henri Christiaan Bickers, born in 1894
- Hendrik Mokveld, born in 1894
- Matthijs Hamers, born in 1893
- Claudius Bernard Rijksschroeff, born in 1891
- Jantje Klamer, born in 1890
- Houwinus Heckman, born in 1888
- Karel Millaard, born in 1888
- Gerrit Engberts, born in 1884
- Meijndert Luijendijk, born in 1880
- Catharina Sara Kolderman, born in 1878
- Johanna Maria Elisabeth Flippo, born in 1875
- Pierre Albert Cornet, born in 1872
- Meindert Huibert Laman, born in 1872
- Johanna Hendrica Kok, born in 1861
- Simon Hendricus Cornelis Smits, born in 1858
Straat: Doezastraat
Huisnummer: 20 a
Wijk: 2
Inventarisnummer 1367 van archiefnummer 0516 in Archieven
Source citation
Heritage Leiden and environs in Leiden (Netherlands), Population register
Archief van het algemeen en dagelijks bestuur, (1545) 1816-1929 (1963); Bevolkingsbo..., Leiden, archive 0516, inventory number 1367, 67. supplement XIII A. (1 - 407), record number 2, folio 102
This data was last updated on January 7, 2022 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 3, 2014. Online code elo1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20231209_19627_00019627.xml van ELO.
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