Other registrants
- Willemijn Sanders, born in 1807
- Gerardus Sanders, born in 1803
- Mattijs Verhagen, born in 1802
- Henrica Verhagen, born in 1799
- Anna Maria Verhagen, born in 1797
- Johannes van der Eerden, born in 1796
- Johanna van Kessel, born in 1778
- Arnoldus Queekel, born in 1774
- Maria Gevers, born in 1772
- Hermen Sanders, born in 1770
- Peter van Heeswijk, born in 1762
- Lamberta van den Boogaart, born in 1757
Source citation
Brabant Historical Information Centre in Brabant (Netherlands), Population register
Bron: boek, Part: 0210, Period: 1810, Schijndel, archive 5017, inventory number 0210, Bevolkingsregister, folio 65
This data was last updated on February 16, 2015 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on April 5, 2016. Online code bhi1. Provenance information: A2Acollection oai-pmh_20231204_13683_00013683.xml van BHI.
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