Burial (Schepenbank) on in Schijndel (Netherlands)

Deceased (female)


Source citation

Brabant Historical Information Centre in Brabant (Netherlands), Church records burials
Streekarchief Langs Aa en Dommel, Bron: boek, Part: 36, Period: 1717-1780, Schijndel, archive 1455, inventory number 36, February 1, 1751, Begraaflijsten, ingeleverd door de koster, 1717-1718 en 1744-1780, folio 44-10

This data was last updated on July 2, 2018 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on July 6, 2019.

Internet address

  • https://www.bhic.nl/memorix/genealogy/search/deeds/1e1e0e58-2e00-d242-b021-daacc3193dbf
  • https://www.openarchieven.nl/bhi:1e1e0e58-2e00-d242-b021-daacc3193dbf


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