Father of groomMother of groom |
GroomGerrit van Driel, born in Koudekerk, 29 years old, residing in Hazerswoude, bouwman by profession BrideNeeltje Wingelaar, born in Hazerswoude, 26 years old, residing in Hazerswoude, no profession |
Father of brideMother of bride |
afkondigingen 26-03-1854 en 02-04-1854 te Hazerswoude
Soort akte | Huwelijksakte |
Municipality archive Alphen aan den Rijn in Hazerswoude (Netherlands), Civil registration marriages
Registers van akten van huwelijk, 1811 - 1990, Alphen aan den Rijn, archive 143.1.05, inventory number 15, record number 7
This data was last updated on April 13, 2016 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on May 1, 2018.
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