- Jacoba van Vianen, born on January 6, 1868
- James Robinson, born on January 25, 1841 in Yorkshire
- John William Robinson, born on May 13, 1868
- Antonette Auguste Grothe, born on September 18, 1838 in 's-Gravenhage
- Ferdinand Wilhelm Jozef van Vianen, born on November 9, 1866
- Carolina Johanna van Vianen, born on June 8, 1865
- Gerardina Chamot, born on February 26, 1841 in Grave
- Petronella Jacoba van den Hoven, born on November 20, 1848
- Jane Elisabeth Robinson, born on October 5, 1843 in Darlington
- Hendrikus Jacobus van Vianen, born on April 30, 1835 in 's-Gravenhage
Source citation
Rotterdam City Archives in Rotterdam, Population register
Archief van de Gemeentesecretarie Rotterdam, afdeling Bevolking: bevolkingsboekhouding van Rotter..., archive 494-03, inventory number 303, 1860, Bevolkingsregister, Wijk 15, 1860-1880, record number 135
This data was last updated on May 3, 2020 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on April 8, 2018. Online code srt1. Provenance information: A2Acollection via, originele record identifier is 1251029571.
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