You have searched for persons in records from Heemkundekring Loon op 't Sandt on which mentioned the place Loon op Zand, this gives 1,942 search results.
Name | Role | Place | Source | |
A. Wilhelmina van Laack | Deceased | 1985 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Aad Alkemade | Deceased | 2015 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad Dijsselbloem | Deceased | 1980 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad Moonen | Deceased | 1979 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad Schellen | Deceased | 1998 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad Schoenmakers | Deceased | 1974 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad Schoenmakers | Deceased | 1974 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad Waegemaekers | Deceased | 1981 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad de Jong | Deceased | 2001 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
Ad de Leeuw | Deceased | 2010 | Loon op Zand | Prayer card collection |
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