You have searched for persons in records of type Civil registration deaths about the event death on which mentioned the place Doornenburg, this gives 5,556 search results.
Name | Role | Place | Source | |
Jacobus Everardus Hoogveld | Deceased | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths | |
Petrus Johannes Hoogveld | Father | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths | |
Hendrina Wilhelmina Willemsen | Mother | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths | |
Nicolaas Arntz | Father | 1812 | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths |
Everd Arntz | Deceased | 1812 | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths |
Theodora Heiltjes | Mother | 1812 | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths |
Geertruij Roelofs | Mother | 1812 | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths |
Elisabeth Berns | Deceased | 1812 | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths |
Nicolaas Berns | Father | 1812 | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths |
Coendert Reussen | Father | 1812 | Doornenburg | Civil registration deaths |
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