- Emile Hubert van Oppen, born on September 13, 1886 in Maastricht
- Alphonsine Augustine Marie van Oppen, born on August 1, 1889 in Maastricht
- Ferdinand Marie Joseph Hubert van Oppen, born on March 4, 1913 in Maastricht
- Maria Augusta Hubertina van Oppen, born on April 25, 1914 in Maastricht
- Marie Antoine Willem van Oppen, born on September 24, 1916 in Maastricht
- Emilie Marie Hubertine van Oppen, born on December 6, 1917 in Maastricht
Source citation
Historic Center Limburg, Population register
Bevolkingsregister Maastricht, 1890-1920, Maastricht, archive 20.096A, inventory number 252, Diversen - O, Z, Y, Q en I - O 299/334, 345, 346/366, 417/455, Z 335/344, 374/400, 466/489, Y 367..., record number 121
This data was last updated on March 3, 2016 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on June 28, 2016. Online code rhl1. Provenance information: , originele record identifier is RHL002000124_0121.
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