0 HEAD 1 SOUR OPENARCH 2 VERS 0.4 2 NAME Open Archieven 2 CORP Coret Genealogie 3 WWW https://genealogie.coret.org/ 1 DATE 27 SEP 2024 2 TIME 11:18 1 SUBM @U0@ 1 GEDC 2 VERS 7.0 1 LANG nl 0 @U0@ SUBM 1 NAME Open Archieven 1 WWW https://www.openarchieven.nl/?lang=nl 0 @I1023965963065933@ INDI 1 NAME Claas /Smaling/ 2 GIVN Claas 2 SURN Smaling 1 SEX M 1 RESI 2 PLAC Pannebakkerije 1 FAMS @F3478292860785496@ 0 @I1023965963065934@ INDI 1 NAME Aagije /Lantsaat/ 2 GIVN Aagije 2 SURN Lantsaat 1 SEX F 1 RESI 2 PLAC Uijtregt 1 FAMS @F3478292860785497@ 0 @I1023965963065935@ INDI 1 NAME Aaltije /Smaling/ 2 GIVN Aaltije 2 SURN Smaling 1 FAMS @F3478292860785496@ 0 @I1023965963065936@ INDI 1 NAME Willem /Hoppenbrouwer/ 2 GIVN Willem 2 SURN Hoppenbrouwer 1 FAMS @F3478292860785497@ 0 @F3478292860785495@ FAM 1 HUSB @I1023965963065933@ 1 WIFE @I1023965963065934@ 1 MARR 2 DATE 15 AUG 1751 2 PLAC Woerden 2 SOUR @S2056092068812852@ 3 NOTE 3 DATA 4 DATE 15 AUG 1751 3 NOTE attestatie gegeven om tot Uijtregt of elders te mogen trouwen 3 NOTE https://www.openarchieven.nl/hua:53F4FE3D-EFB2-D31C-E053-4701000A0367 1 MARL 2 DATE 29 JUL 1751 2 PLAC Woerden 2 SOUR @S@ 3 NOTE 3 DATA 4 DATE 15 AUG 1751 3 NOTE attestatie gegeven om tot Uijtregt of elders te mogen trouwen 3 NOTE https://www.openarchieven.nl/hua:53F4FE3D-EFB2-D31C-E053-4701000A0367 0 @F3478292860785496@ FAM 1 HUSB @I1023965963065933@ 1 WIFE @I1023965963065935@ 0 @F3478292860785497@ FAM 1 HUSB @I1023965963065936@ 1 WIFE @I1023965963065934@ 0 @S2056092068812852@ SOUR 1 DATA 2 EVEN MARR 3 DATE FROM 15 AUG 1751 TO 15 AUG 1751 3 PLAC Utrecht 1 TITL archieftoegang W020, inventarisnummer 17, Woerden NH trouwen 1 ABBR DTB Trouwen 1 REPO @R1@ 0 @R1@ REPO 1 NAME Het Utrechts Archief 1 ADDR Hamburgerstraat 28 2 POST 3512 NS 2 CITY Utrecht 2 CTRY Nederland 1 WWW https://hetutrechtsarchief.nl/ 1 EMAIL reactie@hetutrechtsarchief.nl 1 PHON +31 30 2866611 0 TRLR