Father of groomMother of groomMaria Spuijman, winkelierster by profession |
GroomTheodorus Jacobus van Munnekrede, 30 years old, kaarsenmaker by profession BrideTheodora Willemina van der Voet, 28 years old, no profession |
Father of brideJoannes Henricus van der Voet, no profession Mother of bride |
Municipal archive The Hague in Den Haag (Netherlands), Civil registration marriages
Ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand van de gemeente 's-Gravenhage, 's-Gravenhage, archive 0335-01, inventory number 619, 09-11-1859, Huwelijksakten Den Haag, record number 601
Permalink https://hdl.handle.net/21.12124/0A5E699822594CACB6F213B28ABEBDC7
This data was last updated on October 28, 2023 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on March 17, 2017.
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