Father of groomAdriaan te Kloeze, no profession Mother of groomJohanna Willemsen, no profession |
GroomWilhelmus Reinierus te Kloeze, born in Wisch, 36 years old, loodgieter by profession BrideKatharina Margaretha Hondeveld, born in Arnhem, 32 years old, no profession |
Father of brideJohannes Hendrikus Lambertus Hondeveld, behanger by profession Mother of brideKatharina Margaretha Porck, no profession |
Gelders Archive in Arnhem (Netherlands), Civil registration marriages
Arnhem, Huwelijksregister, Arnhem, archive 0207A, inventory number 13301.04, 07-10-1942, Arnhem, Huwelijksregister, record number 729
Permalink https://permalink.geldersarchief.nl/B3CE27114F6449F19330480EF3FF3EEC
This data was last updated on November 16, 2022 by the source holder and first published on Open Archives on September 3, 2020.
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